Posted by Andrea Polk on
The skin that I am in is beautiful no matter the shade perfect imperfections bruised, scarred, wrinkles, imbalance, glowing, dewy or smooth. It is all beautiful because it is all me! One of the most powerful players in my healing journey was re-learning what beauty was. Beauty to me was how I compared what others deemed as beautiful, trying to fit myself into a box. I now know that I should’ve created my own box. I was never meant to be a follower, I have always been meant to be a fierce leader, and have bold presence in all phases of my evolution. I am beautiful, divinely beautiful.
Over the past few years I have battled with sometime extreme episodes of eczema that covered my entire body, making it sometimes difficult to move without being in pain. During that cycle I spent a long time blinded by what I was told beauty was that I ignored my own beauty. I told myself damaging things in my head when I didn’t see something that I never was meant to see in the mirror. I was meant to see me, which was a divine being uniquely created to awaken others through your my own soul journey.
I chose to stand out boldly and be me authentically. True love is love from self and discovering that love will lead you on a beautiful journey back to yourself. That journey is often met with challenges, but all designed to help you evolve and grow. One of my life test was finding divine beauty… my life and journey taught me that beauty is internal, and once I began seeing myself as beautiful I began to project that and my body began responding. As Above So Below. I awakened the inner child in me, and became more of a mother to my inner self. I told myself that I was beautiful every day until I began believing it.
My self-esteem struggled as I navigated that cycle, but I began speaking and showing my beauty marks, and began wearing it with pride, from the moment I began doing that I began to RISE and HEAL. As I became more and more in love with the person that I saw in the mirror. I began to overstand, that I was more than beautiful, and that my experience was a mere test that I overcame on the journey back to myself.
I quickly began to see my face, body, and skin transform as I began to believe in my own inner self. I spoke highly of myself I became my own best friend, I became my own mother and father and embraced both parts of me (masculine and feminine). I have seeded my own soil, and allowed myself to be nurtured by my own inner light, I began to rise, I began to see clear, so clear that I began overstanding how beautiful I was and I began seeing it in the mirror.
I honor that time that my spirit awakened and my soul took me on a journey to me through this divine test. It is time for me to release that cycle and I am now graduated and initiated it into a new version of me. I welcome in this divine beauty that is beautiful inside of me, and I know my purpose is to begin sharing it with the world!
Awaken your inner divine beauty.
The Zen Goddess